Running: An Update
This year has come to an end. The bad news is that I've not run for the last two months of this year. It has every bit to do with the mildly cold weather in Graz and absolutely nothing to do with my laziness.
I had moved to Graz for my internship and the weather in the summer months was perfect for me for running. I ran about thrice a week with each run being around 10K. It was all in the preparation for the Graz Marathon 2024 where I wanted to finish my first half marathon.
The results of this consistent practice were visible in the event. I ran my fastest 5K, 10K and my first half marathon with the times: 24:31, 50:21 and 1:52:17 as per Strava.
I noticed that I am in the zone where the percentile curve is pretty steep so making even small improvements to the time is going to change the rank in the race by a lot. And that's the plan for 2025: I have to get out of my running slump and chase better numbers.