Rahul Goel

List of Blogs

Disclaimer: I am not good at writing.

Books, linux, graphics, vision and what not...

The Book Thief

June 17, 2024
3 minutes.

If my memory serves me right, it was 2015 when I learned about this book, and I've had it on my reading list since then. I think I even attempted to read it back then, but I cannot remember why I i…

The Reappearance of Rachel Price

June 04, 2024
3 minutes.

This blog may contain spoilers; reader discretion is advised :)

Holly Jackson released her latest book a few months back, and this time I didn't read it immediately since I've been occupied …

An Asynchronous Coin Toss

May 26, 2024
2 minutes.

The circumstances were such that my thoughts came across an interesting real-life problem which in it's bare-bone form can be formulated as an asynchronous coin toss.


Running at IIIT-H

May 20, 2024
3 minutes.

Since late last year, I had started to run regularly, or atleast I thought I did. Being a beginner, I used to run a kilometer or so and then take a break of five minutes and then perhaps run anothe…

April Abstention

May 09, 2024
3 minutes.

It was a challenge without a name, but I just gave it one right now: April Abstention. Well, some of my friends and I noticed the lack of discipline in our eating habits. We often found ourselves g…

Hide & Seek rules should be changed

January 14, 2024
2 minutes.

I'm sure Hide & Seek was played differently by different folks. But here was we played it back then:

Five Survive

December 05, 2022
2 minutes.

I was mistaken. I was wrong when I said that the Throne of Glass books would be the only ones I read in 2022. Since the semester is over, I have a little extra time on my hands. When I heard that H…

Throne Of Glass

October 24, 2022
3 minutes.

This year, 2022, hasn't been great in terms of reading. I've been busy throughout the year with academics and I believe Throne Of Glass might be the only book series I read in 2022.

The seri…

The perks of being a wallflower

November 11, 2021
2 minutes.

I finished reading the perks of being a wallflower today morning and I just felt that I should write something here. Is it because I've not updated this place in a long time or is it because the wa…

GLSL Sci-Fi Radar
[computer graphics]

August 21, 2021
1 minutes.

I was learning GLSL and how to draw using maths and tried to replicate a famous shader program on shadertoy.

For a first-timer who did it …

Line Drawing Algorithms and a Neural Approximation
[computer graphics, computer vision]

July 21, 2021
14 minutes.

I was studying line drawing algorithms and then had an idea to replace the best algorithm with a neural network. This long post contains an explanation of the basic algorithms and the process I wen…

Six of Crows Duology

June 22, 2021
32 minutes.

I actually wanted to read Six of Crows. People all over the internet said that Six of Crows Duology is much better than the Shadow and Bone Trilogy and that one could directly read Six of Crows Duo…

Markup Formatting using gq

June 12, 2021
5 minutes.

It had been such a pain to format lines when I was writing Latex/Markdown/HTML. Since single line breaks are ignored, we can write all that we have to in a single line or multple lines. Writing in…

Shadow and Bone Trilogy

June 05, 2021
11 minutes.

I read The Shadow and Bone Trilogy in a span of a week and a half if I remember correctly. Overall, I enjoyed the experience. The story is great but it was slow paced for me. I don't mind the lengt…

Zathura Saves My Eyes

June 01, 2021
2 minutes.

Zathura is a document viewer and I use it to view PDFs. Until now, I was using the default inverted color mode (called recolor in zathura). It basically flipped black to white and white to black. I…

Kill Joy

May 25, 2021
2 minutes.

This explains a lot. Why Pip took to pursue the Bell Disappearance Case for her project? So Pip and her gang of friends (6 in total) are celebrating the end of term by playing Kill Joy - a murder m…

Good Girl, Bad Blood

May 22, 2021
3 minutes.

The first book was so good, I was kind of skeptical about the second book since I did not want to ruin the experience from the first one. I am ashamed that I had such a disgusting thought in my min…

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

May 17, 2021
3 minutes.

I have to admit, when I started it I did not anticipate that I'd be up till 3 in the morning finishing the book rather than sleeping. It's been so long since I've been this hooked.

The way t…

Spawning Multiple Terminals in one Directory

February 02, 2021
3 minutes.

It is hardly the case when programming involves editing a single file. On whatever medium to big sized projects that I've worked upon, atleast 3 files are needed to be opened at once either to edit…